What Connects You, Your Organisation, Your Grandchildren and Sir Ernest Shackleton?

With this question, I invite you to come and learn about our expedition and meet the team that will step into untrodden territory for science and exploration, and to commemorate our Polar Hero, Sir Ernest Shackleton.

The answer to the question above may seem obvious: in an age of widespread pollution and climate change, the world that children will experience, is going to be determined by the wisdom of our decisions today. It is, therefore, key that these decisions should be founded on scientific knowledge. Scientific research is fundamental to our world view and to allowing us to use innovation, and technology to deal with issues that we may have unwittingly created, that are to our detriment as a species.

Sir Ernest Shackleton was one of the pioneers of scientific research in Antarctica, a region now recognised as important to global climate regulation. His scientific legacy is unfinished and often under-valued. During our expedition, we will pay tribute to Shackleton with a ceremony on the ice and honour his memory 100 years after his passing, by continuing the scientific exploration his ‘Quest’ expedition could not complete.

We are going to Antarctica to conduct cutting-edge research into climate change and micro-plastic pollution. This will be combined with an outreach programme to educate, inspire and empower people to live more sustainable lives and also protect this last pristine wilderness.

Come and join us for an entertaining hour between 12.30 – 13.30 on 9th June 2021; learn about our plans and how you can follow our expedition. There will be an opportunity to contribute to our expedition, to support our educational outreach programme and Community interest activities. We are seeking to raise funds to support our essential equipment purchases and also to allow us to run our legacy education programme.

We have a number of special items which are on offer for sale; including bottles of the Whisky Shackleton favoured and signed by his Granddaughter, the Hon. Alexandra Shackleton. However, most of all, we want to enthral you with our stories and footage of the unforgiving and incredibly hostile environment we are going to operate in, to push the bounds of Antarctic science with means only available to such rare, man-hauled expeditions.

Details for joining us will be promulgated on the morning of 9th June 2021 on this Blog Page, but you can learn about our prizes as we go forward from this weekend. You will also be able to look at videos linked to our expedition on the same page. We really look forward to meeting you on 9th June for a fun filled Lunch hour.

Please help us. We need to smash this Crowdfunder to get the money for this historic trip. You can be part of it by donating, by buying a reward and by letting your friends, families and contacts know about what we are trying to achieve. It can be large or small. Together we can do this. You can be part of making history. Your investment in what we are doing – both literally and metaphorically – will make sure that the centenary of Shackleton’s Final Quest goes down in the history books: where it deserves to be. Thank you so much in advance for all your help and for being part of our team too.

Zoom Details

Link: https://zoom.us/j/99082212147?pwd=OFB6SzNDQ3o0N2M0cTNQQ0h5V21ZZz09

Meeting ID: 990 8221 2147

Passcode: 870341


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